Integrity News
Integrity Good News Podcast
Integrity Good News Podcast Episode 19

Integrity Good News Podcast Episode 19

John 15-17 Greek Translation: Jesus At The Last Supper-Sanctified & Glorified, The Spirit Given In the Name of Him, The Self- Exalted As A god He Separates, Causes to Die Off, Departs, Lays Off Of Us

“We’ve come to see which one you will hold to, trust in, lead with: The one given to me, in my name, from the Father, or of self, (which is deceived by Satan to see yourself as a god), who is of a configuration of the world.” (The son of ruin, son of perdition, son of destruction, an imitation of the righteous redeemed you corrupted by the devil that he has made in his image, (he caused all, small and great, rich and poor, to make an image unto the beast) that is focused on money, opposed to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit filled reborn creation of you that has always been present with God before the world was made. God sends His Holy Spirit to teach the righteous new creation of you how to put the self, made of the configuration of fallen Adamic man, corrupted by the devil and his fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, into submission by being able to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us, and by the teaching of the righteous truth of God, by the authority given to Jesus by God, which he will then excess off, will lay off, separate, judge, kill, and cause the other one of the world or configuration (of soil, earth, of Adam, a configuration of the devil’s kingdom or government) to die off). He said, I came to conquer the one of a configuration. He said, I speak not to the one of a configuration, but to the one given to me of the Father who is able to hear what the spirit is saying.

There are two spirits, occupying one vessel, and one of them is of God:

  1. One born of man, or Adam, corrupted by and belonging to the devil, containing an evil spirit, referred to as the self or sinful inner man, a man born of the configuration of a Deity (Lucifer, or Satan promoting the worship of self as a god or goddess, the polluted corrupted man of sin, son of ruin, son of destruction).

  2. And one born of God, belonging to Jesus, making us righteous by God’s truth, containing the Holy Spirit of God, clothed with a righteous garment by Christ, sharing in the sacrificial lamb Passover feast of Christ’s sacrifice, being taught by the Holy Spirit who the Father is, bearing much fruit of the Spirit in righteousness, being protected from evil and self by being guarded by Jesus.

He’s trying to show us that there are two versions of ourselves that exist, and he came to conquer one of them, and release us from it. We will be sorrowful and saddened when we see it die, but it is a necessity to fulfill scripture, and a pain that will bring forth joy by being released from the burden laid onto us by it.

He’s telling us that he’s a vine in his Father’s vineyard, and we are branches in him, which can bear much fruit if we abide in him. It is not possible for the one of a configuration to bear good fruit.

He’s talking about pruning, and he will cut one of them off from the tree of knowledge and good and evil, that will then be able to only grow the fruits of the Spirit of the tree of life. He cursed the fig tree, and said, you will not henceforth bear anymore fruit. It is finished, I make all things new. Get ready for the coming DAY of the Lord! It’s a new day, in a new creation, in a new kingdom, as a new creation, as part of the tree of life, a branch growing fruit planted beside the river of life!

To those of the configuration: Hide deep.

To those who overcome, I will give you of the tree of life.


Integrity News
Integrity Good News Podcast
Commentary and interpretations of Biblical scriptures, Biblical archaeology, and history. Knowing God, and accepting that Jesus is the Son of God. Being transformed into the likeness of Christ through sanctification and purification by the empowering of the Holy Spirit of God. To prepare ourselves to be the bride of Christ. To perfect ourselves to reach theoria, when Jesus reveals himself to us in his kingdom, as he did with the apostles at the transfiguration.