Oct 17Liked by Ronnette Erwin

Jesus instituted one church with one faith, one baptism, one governing structure, seven sacraments, and gave Peter the keys to the kingdom giving him the authority to forgive sins in Christ's name and commanded the Apostles to go forth and teach all nations what He taught them. After Christ's resurrection, he appointed Peter to be his Vicar on earth to guarantee the perpetuation of His true teachings saying that even the gates of Hell will not prevail against His true Church. That one Church is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. The Roman Catholic Church. Outside of it there is no salvation. Come and join Christ's true Church.

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18Author

I see things a little differently in that Christ took the apostles to the ancient place of Cesarea Phillipi, where they made sacrifices to the god Pan and others. It was a horrendous place. The pagans were doing sexually immoral things with goats, and God knows what else, but it was said to be the literal entryway into the gates of hell or the underworld. When Jesus asked the apostles, "Who do men say that I am?", Peter replied, you are the Christ, the son of the living God. Jesus said, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but the Spirit of my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. He said that was the key to the kingdom, the knowledge of the truth that faith in Christ brings the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. That is the key, that he put his faith and trust in knowing that Jesus is the son of God. Also in Revelation, Jesus told John, to those who overcome, I will give to you the keys of the kingdom. Also, Peter, James, and John were witness to the glory of Christ being spoken to by God in the presence of Moses, representing the law and the flesh, and Elijah, representing the promise and the giving of the Holy Spirit to completion of the work that Christ had done to reveal God to them by his witness of him. He is building his church on the foundation and cornerstone of that truth. Jesus is the rock that the church is being built on, and each one of us are living stones in that building of the temple of God, bearing precious stones in the wall of the city of the new Jerusalem. Jesus is the door the key opens. No one may enter but by him.

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I'm sorry but you simply stated one of the very many heresies that have served no one but the Father of Lies and caused divisions among those who believe in Christ.

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18Author

It's not heresy, it's right in the Bible. I don't worship or exalt Peter or Mary. That is idolatry. What are the 7 sacraments? The Holy Sacrament is a gold statue held up to a man representing Jesus' glory made into an idol to be bowed to and admonished. Which part do you not agree with? I'm trying to convert unbelieving people, those of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, and anyone to the knowledge of the truth by knowing God and his son Jesus by the Word and the Holy Spirit of truth. Jesus gave Simon a new name, which was Cephas, or Peter, or a rock. This was a living stone in the building that is being built of a spiritual temple to God. You must confess that Jesus is the Christ and be cleansed by his blood, die in baptism with Christ and be raised to resurrection with Christ, and Peter did that, as did many others at the Last Supper. Peter may have been the first to understand that it was by the Spirit that things about God's plan of salvation and who Jesus was were being revealed through the Spirit of the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Jesus hadn't died yet, and even though Jesus told them he would die and be raised from the dead, in Peter's humanity and to preserve the life of Jesus, he didn't want him to go to the cross. Which Jesus knew he had to do if God didn't provide another way for the cup to be taken from him to drink of the wrath of God, and it was not, but was fulfilled just as the prophecies were written in the Old Testament. He was the only sinless one who is worthy to be called the son of God, open the seals of the book, reign on the throne in heaven, bear the name King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and have all things put under his feet. All things were made by him and for him, the lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world. Paul said we are seated in heavenly places with Christ. He told Peter and the disciples that the gospel preached by them would bring people into the kingdom of heaven. The great commission that he gave all of them before the ascension was to go out into all Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Revelation tells about the 12 apostles being represented by precious stones in the wall of the new Jerusalem, as God represented the 12 tribes of Israel on the High Priest's breastplate as precious stones. There is no heresy in anything that I've said, and I am not working for the devil to teach or spread them or to cause division. I especially want to be very careful about our conversation in that the unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which is saying that something that is from the Holy Spirit is called evil or from the Devil, so you should be very careful about saying things like that.

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Oct 19Liked by Ronnette Erwin

I am a Roman Catholic and will always believe that it is the one church instituted by Christ where all that Jesus taught, not compromised by the opinions of men, and where all truth is found. I would rather you convert to belief in the whole truth by studying church history. All of the sects that have arisen that claim they teach the only true Christian faith are born of the opinion of a man. I refuse to believe any of them.

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Oct 21·edited Oct 21Author

I'm thankful that you hold so closely to your faith, because it is our faith in Christ that matters. If our interpretation, being men, but now being spiritual beings, born of the Spirit, leads us to believe that the truth of what the Spirit is teaching is trustworthy, then how can we discount the interpretation that the Holy Spirit is revealing to us? Man did not teach me what I said about it, but it was from the interpretation of the Spirit's leading that I came to that conclusion concerning it. It was just as the Lord told Peter that flesh and blood did not reveal it to him, but by the Spirit, our Father in heaven revealed it to him, that he is the Messiah, the son of God. I would ask that we both pray on it, and let the Lord show us what the truth is concerning him. Thank you for your comments. I want us to be at peace with one another and continue in our fellowship. I appreciate you, and I love you! We are one body of Christ sharing in the spiritual food coming from one loaf of the bread of life, which is Christ Jesus. He will provide us with the nourishment of our spirits concerning this because he is faithful to answer when we call on him. I study the scriptures on my own time outside of the church setting. We have to put the time in the Word to draw from it fountains of living water. It's a recipe for life, but it is revealing to us the very nature of God, and his son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is our example that we have to go by to overcome the sinful nature within us, the wickedness that comes against us, and to love God more than all else, and to love one another. We are trying to become more like him in our daily walk, and learn by the Spirit as we go along, as he reveals himself to us through his Word and by what the Spirit is saying to the churches. We must let the Spirit examine ourselves, rid ourselves of ourselves, and live as Christ would have us to do by listening to his Spirit within us. He can use anything to teach us truths about who he is, and as Paul said, we will see him face to face in his glory as we are fully known by him.

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